Update 2023-02-18: There's a new version of this design: v2.1 I don't consider this design done; but, I've gotta start writing it down because I'm carrying too much diagnostic info in my head regarding this thing. One of the early kit's I built was this AI011 VCO . Despite the website saying it uses a Curtis chip (CEM3340) mine came with a clone AS3340A. At the time I didn't know anything about either chip, I just wanted a VCO to build and play with. Overall it is a fine VCO, it sticks to the datasheet's circuit for trimming. I also built four Befaco Even VCO s to use with the polyphonic envelop generator . I was initially on the fence about building my own, but I eventually decided it would be a nice accomplishment to do an entire signal chain from keyboard to output all of my own designs and an oscillator was gonna be necessary. So I bought some AS3340's from Electric Druid and set about making my own design. The AS3340 has a triangle, falling sawtoot...