One of the first things I bought when I started messing with my own synth designs was a few of these red break out boards for audio jacks. They were immediately useful, I recommend them; however, I was on the way to making several designs at once and wanted to leave these things on breadboards for weeks or months so I needed more but wasn't to happy with the sizes and wasn't too jazzed about the import prices. So I came up with my own designs for a few break out boards for common stuff. There's a BOB for the alpha pots I've been using. It's also possible to put the ubiquitous 4 pin momentary push buttons on this PCB, but that's a hack... Another for the MJ-355W jacks I've been using but it also fits Thonkiconn jacks. And one more for the typical power supply I've been putting in modules. There's really nothing too special about these but it was a good exercise to go through to figure out how Seeed's PCB panelization works. As it turns out...