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Showing posts from March, 2010

GameBoy (Classic) Work In Progress Part 2

This is mostly just to get some pictures up. I'm just getting this posted so I can try and refocus on thesis...I should be so easily sidetracked... Any future developments will be posted in the forum first...I'll post here as facts become more concrete. The farthest I got with this setup was a man-in-the-middle setup (as shown below) where I could intercept the CPU's commands to the LCD passing them through the microcontroller and then to the LCD board. I had to move up to a ~11MHz crystal (not shown) on the microcontroller just to come close to allowing the signals to pass through unhindered. The best I managed was a slightly distorted picture...I'll need something faster to actually read the signals so I can reverse engineer them. I've also removed the GameBoy's oscillator so I could clock the GB at a slower speed. This did work but I haven't taken a ton of time to work on the coding side. The goal when I can work on it again is simply to replace th...

GameBoy (Classic) Work In Progress

This is a dump from the's notes on an in progress GameBoy hack. I will refine it later. Forum thread is here . I'm trying to identify and spec out the LCD signals in the GB (classic). I'm looking to do away w/ the GBs original controller board while keeping the LCD board. Basically I want to plug the ribbon cable into my on PCB and output the necessary signals to drive the video myself. I'm just wandering if anyone has more info on LCD signals output by the z80 so I can emulate them to display stuff. So far I've mapped all the buttons, speaker, power LED, LCD negative power to the appropriate pins on the ribbon cable. What I have so far: Note: Pin 01 is the pin on the ribbon cable closest to the power switch (at the cables connector). Note: Pin LCDV1 is the pin closest to power switch on the LCDs vertical axis connector (beneath LCD). Note: Pin LCDH1 is the pin closest to power switch on the LCDs horizontal axis connector. Pin 01 GND Pin...