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Showing posts from August, 2010

Kansas City Mini Maker Faire 2010

The Maker Faire has come and gone and was a pretty big success. We had a news crew in the morning and then a whole slew of people showed up. I had the RC Nerf Turret and other robots on display. It was a long day with a lot of interested people and a ton of kids. The turret got most of the face time, even got on the news and a mention on the Make Magazine blog . There's a bunch of pictures here and here . I bought a LoL Sheild and Diavolino and got it up and running this week. I'm pausing progress on the Gameboy project so I can fix and upgrade the software in the turret before I take it into the office. Note to anyone reading: We are going to have another Maker Faire next year. We don't know if it will be mini or full sized. It all depends on how many exhibitors we get...but... WE NEED MORE ARTISTS . A Maker Faire shouldn't be confused with science fairs (which this one was...far too often for our liking). So carpenters, welders, sculptors, photographers, n...

GameBoy (Classic) Work In Progress Part 3

First: The Open Logic Sniffer is the best thing since sliced bread. Second: I finally have reliable recorded data from the GB CPU to the GB LCD. Okay so before making sense of the data here's what you need to know. I clocked the GameBoy CPU with my own micro-controller the resulting GameBoy CPU Frequency was 812 kHz. That's 24.63 times slower than normal (20 MHz), so all of the data collected needs to be time scaled appropriately. The data was collected on Pins 12-19 of the ribbon cable between the CPU board and the LCD board (See previous post for pin numbering and pin names, some of which are guessed). These pins correspond to inputs 0-7 on the logic analyzer respectively (see labels on image above if you're confused). Two of the data sets were sampled at 10MHz and one at 1MHz. The 1MHz set was only taken for timing of the Vblank (it isn't a high enough sample rate to be considered accurate for data analysis). I won't be drawing conclusions about the...